Every century, the town of Snowy Hollow was plagued by a monster which locals knew as "the werepuma," a 7 foot tall monstrous creature that was part m...n and part puma. Only those people who survived over the centuries lived to tell the tale, describing how frightening their encounters had been. Normally when they lived to tell the tale, they lose an arm or a leg or an ear.The creature was held responsible for not just cattle and other animal mutilations but also for the deaths of mutilated. The more he thought about it, the more he liked that plan. If he was careful – and quick – he could even get away during the mass confusion that always seemed to come at the end of these.He looked back at the interdiction field. Now that he had some skeleton of a plan in place, it didn't look so scary anymore. Night vision only showed it as static and the thermals were all over the place. He set his helmet to record and flicked on the embedded spectroscope – he'd rarely had need to use it and. The weather is not so bad here at the moment and if memory serves me I am not that far away from the anomaly. About a couple of Kilas away, probably just past that obscuring bend over there. Besides it will be about a day before I will be reported missing, so I may as well find some place to camp out.Vin looked around at the sparse snow covered valley. So much for setting up a fire beacon. There wasn't even a sad sorry bramble. She got up stiff from the cold and tumbling, put on the pack and. For one thing, while the old man too had his eyes on their latest compartment companion, the two old Scottish matrons were glaring at both Billy and the goddess. The lad's 'extended interest' had not gone unnoticed by the old ladies either and now, much to Billy's horror, it had also drawn the attention of the young lady standing above him and smiling with her lips and winking with her right eye. Billy wanted to crawl under a blanket and die ... or else jerk off like mad.The goddess had a name.
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